
System Inspect

by Kefas Lungu.

System Inspect is a program that provides detailed information on several hardware and software on your system. It also gives you the ability to configure user and password settings, allows you to manage several built-in windows tools from the app. This information is presented in a notebook interface with a tab for each category.

System information:

The program utilizes several functions to retrieve information on the following:

When a button for the respective item is clicked, a dialog box is displayed with the information, and an option to copy it to the clipboard.

User and password management.

This Tab allows you to manage several settings that has to do with user accounts.

Built-in windows diagnostic tools:

This category is straight Forword. It provides a quicker way to call some built-in tools that comes with windows. Most of these tools are there for you to fix an issue with windows, or security related tools. They are:

The goal of System Inspect is to provide users with an easy way to view important information about their computer system, To change settings that are a bit difficult to change, and put repair tools in one place for easy access. The program is designed to be user-friendly and accessible to users of all technical backgrounds.

more functionality will be added in future releases.


note: this section is intended for those who want to compile from source, without using the executable.

To run System Inspect, you must have Python 3 and the following libraries installed:

You can install all these modules by using pip. Subprocess, threading and the os modules are built-in with python, no need to install them from pip. Or better still, open a CMD window in the directory of the main program, then run python -m pip install -r requirements.txt


To run System Inspect after all these modules are installed, simply execute the file.

The program will open a notebook interface with tabs for each category of settings. Click on each tab to view the corresponding options.

Please note that the information presented by System Inspect may not be entirely accurate or up-to-date. Use this program at your own risk.


If you would like to contribute to System Inspect, please feel free to submit a pull request or contact the developer.

Thank you for using System Inspect!

Copyright © 2023 kefaslungu.